I'm not an expert either. Just a simple basic command to do it after you get the correct size picture. Its suppose to be 83.56 x 83.56 inches (according to Photoshop). After you resize it to any of the application you like, save as jpg to the highest quality as you can get. Save it on Documents then reboot to Recovery Mode. Open Terminal:
You want to save the original Catalina.heic file in case if it doesn't work right for the first time by renaming it to something else.
type mv to rename it: /Volumes/(your hard drive name)/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Catalina.heic
you will notice that when you type a few letters for the directory name, hit Tab which will complete a full directory name
example if your hard drive is Macintosh HD:
mv /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Catalina.heic Catalina.original.heic
Then move the picture file you want to System Desktop Pictures by copy and paste:
cp /Volumes/(your hard drive name)/Users/(username)/Documents/(file name)
/Volumes/(your hard drive name)/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Catalina.heic
example, you can copy and paste the code by changing the username "joelm" to your username and Macintosh HD drive name to your drive name:
cp /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Users/joelm/Documents/login.jpg /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Catalina.heic
After that, just reboot the system and cross fingers that it works.
If you want to go back to original login picture. Go back to Recovery Mode and open Terminal:
rm is to remove/delete:
rm /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Catalina.heic
mv is to rename it:
mv /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Catalina.original.heic Catalina.heic
Reboot then you should have the original Catalina login window again. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong here. Hopefully this helps.