IOS 13 - Email pdf attachment can not be open
I just recently got my new Iphone 11 Pro Max, and I found that the pdf attachment in the email can not be open, but in gmail it is fine. Does anyone know how to fix this? Many thanks.
iPhone 11 Pro Max
I just recently got my new Iphone 11 Pro Max, and I found that the pdf attachment in the email can not be open, but in gmail it is fine. Does anyone know how to fix this? Many thanks.
iPhone 11 Pro Max
Same problem.
I deleted the email account. Rebooted the phone. And added the email account again. But the problem is still there.
the pdf showed a zip file icon even though the file extension is not zip.
the problem affects pdf, excel, word files ... not received other file types so far on emails so not sure what others are affected.
Updated 2 days ago BUT the same thing started happening today. Pdf files not opening in Mail app anymore.
If I use the gmail app, I can open the pdf attachment. But if I’m using the email app, I can’t open the attchedment. If I click on the attachenent, it shows like this:
If in gmail you can open pdf attachments, then on which email account It cannot be opened?
Yes this right. It is really annoying. But my friends new iPhone 11 works very well, I don’t know what is happening to mine...
Just bought my IPhone 11 Pro Max, if
I’m using the email app, I can’t open pdf attachment.
Now i can’t even see the pdf if i attach it myself to send an email!!
Apple we are waiting for your replies!
Your best bet is to contact AppleCare directly (they don't watch these forums). I have seen this issue in iOS 13.1.2 and it is being investigated currently.
Now even excell files can open!
Update to the latest iOS 13.2.3 released today. The problem is fixed.
IOS 13 - Email pdf attachment can not be open