Cannot Sign In
I couldn't sign in with the following statement. "Your Apple ID password and verification code could not be verified. Try signing in again." Is there any solution for it? Please answer me.
I couldn't sign in with the following statement. "Your Apple ID password and verification code could not be verified. Try signing in again." Is there any solution for it? Please answer me.
Do you have access to another WiFi network where you can try? That has worked for several people.
Try a restart.
Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Try a forced restart.
If necessary
Do a backup and try a factory reset. Then restore from your backup.
Backup - Restore your device from an iCloud or iTunes backup
You are welcome. Try contacting Apple ID Support.
Apple Support by e-mail or chat Work through the screens to get a chat option. You may need to pick a problem that is slightly different than yours to get a chat option.
Or fill out and submit this form. The form is for iTunes, but it will get passed to the ID Support section.
Thank you for your answer. I tried to do all methods above it. but it didn't works.
Not just the iPhone, I couldn't sign in the following sites too. '' and ''
Those sites said that "Failed to verify your identity. Try again."
But I could sign in ITunes for Windows, ICloud for Windows, Apple beta program site, and Apple community.
I'm so confused because I never have seen this before.
Cannot Sign In