Automatic BPM if you use Apple Music?
Is there any way to automatically populate BPM in iTunes (Mojave) when using Apple Music?
I have too many songs, and they are being rotated monthly, so updating manual is not an option.
Is there any way to automatically populate BPM in iTunes (Mojave) when using Apple Music?
I have too many songs, and they are being rotated monthly, so updating manual is not an option.
Hi AtHomeGuy,
Thanks for posting. It sounds like you have a question about BPM metadata in iTunes and Apple Music.
Are you finding that some songs have BPM information in the BPM column while others do not? Metadata like this might vary by the specific content so if it's not populated automatically, you may have to try adding it manually: Change song and CD info in iTunes on Mac. You can always send feedback to Apple here as well: Apple Music Feedback
Take care.
Automatic BPM if you use Apple Music?