Ipod touch (4thgen)can't support basic apps
I have a 4th gen ipod touch and I cant get mainstream apps to work like pandora and Netflix. The ipod can't support the app. What about fixing that?
iPod, iOS 9
I have a 4th gen ipod touch and I cant get mainstream apps to work like pandora and Netflix. The ipod can't support the app. What about fixing that?
iPod, iOS 9
And do you know why that is? The 4th gen iPod touch is from 2010 and unsupported by the latest iOS version since 2013. The software on your device (iOS 6) is very old and obsolete, it cannot support apps anymore. You are lucky if you find a few apps that actually work, because 99% don’t as you have already experienced.
Why not buy a new and current device that supports the latest iOS 13?
Why should I have to buy a new one when there is absolutely nothing wrong with the one I have except that Apple is going to force me to buy another one by not updating the software for the one I have. That's BS! If apple is going to sell a product and then stop supporting that product, I should get a refund on it. Otherwise they should advise customers that after a certain time they will not update that equipment to operate with current programs.
FYI My 4th gen model released in 2012 and running iOS9
Then you have the 5th gen iPod. Still, iOS 9 (from 2015) is pretty much unsupported now, sorry.
Maybe your iPod still works, but if it can't get the latest software, and therefore no apps from the App Store, i'd say your device is more or less obsolete and therefore pretty much useless, and Apple is forcing you to nothing, you do not need to buy another one, except if you want the latest apps in that case - again, it's not on purpose, it's a hardware limitation.
"Otherwise they should advise customers that after a certain time they will not update that equipment to operate with current programs. " That should be known by you, that is how hardware works. Most people just do not keep their devices for that long, 7 years is a really long time.
Apple already does a good job with supporting older devices, you do get many years of software updates. But every hardware has a certain limitation and the current software can't just work on a device that is 7 years old. If you are unable to download apps from the Store, it's an indicator to upgrade your device. A new iPod touch 7th gen 32 GB is 199$, btw.
Ipod touch (4thgen)can't support basic apps