Photos iCloud Uploading and Updating Issues
I'm running Photos version 5.0 on Catalina 10.15.1 and have been in the "Uploading" and "Updating" cycle for a few days. I noticed about a week ago that when I'd launch Photos on my laptop, that the normal sync process wasn't updating. I went looking online, and saw quite a few posts discussing this issue, pointing to issues with the Uploading process getting in the way of the Updating process - but I was seeing my Uploads continue to go down - so they weren't stuck. After a few days of letting Photos do its thing, I'm now in the "Updating" phase... and the item count at the bottom of Photos now accurately reflects the total of photos + videos that I see in iCloud when I view Photos in Safari. BUT... the photos that are missing on my Photos for Mac, aren't appearing as they do in iCloud and on my phone - and my MacBook Pro network interface shows no downloading traffic. There are a number of posts on this topic, but they're all older.... so I really need some help. Yes, I've turned iCloud Photos on and off, with and without restarts... I've waited for long periods of time... I jus don't know what it's doing... or how long I should wait. Should I delete my Photos library all together and start with a clean sync? That feels terrifying to do, but maybe it's the only way? Just so frustrating!
MacBook Pro with Touch Bar