Catalina, Preferences pane freezes
Just installed Catalina, catastrophe ... but one must move with the times. But, the Preferences pane freezes, and cannot be shifted . .. any solutions?
MacBook Air 11", macOS 10.15
Just installed Catalina, catastrophe ... but one must move with the times. But, the Preferences pane freezes, and cannot be shifted . .. any solutions?
MacBook Air 11", macOS 10.15
You have a bad installation, probably, over a bad prior system.
A Troubleshooting Procedure that may Fix Problems with macOS El Capitan or Later
You should try each, one at a time, then test to see if the problem is fixed before going on to the next.
Be sure to backup your files before proceeding if possible.
1. Select Disk Utility from the Utility Menu and click on the Continue button.
2. When Disk Utility loads select the drive (out-dented entry) from the Device list.
3. Click on the Erase icon in Disk Utility's toolbar. A panel will drop down.
4. Set the Format type to APFS (for SSDs only) or Mac OS Extended (Journaled.)
5. Click on the Apply button, then wait for the Done button to activate and click on it.
6. Quit Disk Utility and return to the Utility Menu.
7. Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Continue button.
freezes for how long? catalina settings pane takes longer to open especially the 1st time opened after upgrade.
Try logging in a a new (ie guest) user. Often upgrade issues are all about the user settings in ~/Library (in HOME). When they become corrupted with (hacks from 3rd parties) they interfere with upgrades.
I've run iMac and iPhone several years several upgrades without ever a non-trivial upgrade problem.
Are you installing 3rd party apps and giving them "administrative permission"? If so: don't. Be sure to close all apps and even remove 3rd party software before upgrade. Better yet don't use them: some might be competitors of Apple who are actively attempting to cause you to loose time money and patience. Get your apps on App Store excepting major apps (ie, from a trusted source like Adobe who are known to work closely with apple and resolve issues).
Continued from above:
14. If none of the above helps then see How to Downgrade macOS High Sierra and macOS Reversion-
How to Downgrade from High Sierra.
15. If you get here without success then it's time to make an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar for
service. If you need to find an Apple Store - Find a Store - Apple.
Catalina, Preferences pane freezes