I'm not sure what you downloaded but see the following from https://support.brother.com/g/s/id/os/macintosh.html
The Brother ControlCenter2 is not supported by macOS v10.15.
Use the Brother iPrint&Scan as an alternative function.
You can download Brother iPrint&Scan from the Mac App Store but before you do you may want to see if it is compatible with your Brother device. You can use the "Click here to display all models covered by this answer." link in the following to do that: https://help.brother-usa.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/150551/~/download-and-install-brother-iprint%26scan---windows-or-macintosh-computer
Note that neither Control Center nor iPrint&Scan are needed to use a Brother printer/scanner on a Mac. If Brother does provide a scanner driver you should be able to scan by using Image Capture.
You can use the bottom section of the following link to find your printer/scanner model and download the necessary drivers.