How to Make a Genius Bar appointment?
How do I make an appointment at the Genius Bar in a nearby Apple Store? I have been unable to find a link searching Previous answers to this question are incorrect.
How do I make an appointment at the Genius Bar in a nearby Apple Store? I have been unable to find a link searching Previous answers to this question are incorrect.
Your suggestions are both out-of-date. You cannot make a Genius Bar Appointment from either web page.
I was able to make a Genius Bar Appointment only by calling the Apple Store closest to me, somehow getting a human being I could talk to, and only then could a GBA be made.
You never said you wanted to make an appointment from a web page you said in a nearby Apple store, the first link I sent you was info, if you read it says......
Genius Bar
Make a Genius Bar reservation at your favorite Apple Store and get help from an Apple expert.
And the second link has every store in the world listed with address, phone number, driving directions and map
Take care and I hope you have a great Genius Bar Appointment
How to Make a Genius Bar appointment?