Macbook crashed during FileVault encryption.
My gf updated the OS on her MacBook Air then enabled FileVault. During the FileVault encryption process, the computer crashed. Upon startup, the screen looks like this:
There is no area to enter password and login. I then booted the computer in recovery mode and attempted to do a clean install of OS X. Unfortunately, I could not select the HD for the OS to be installed on as it does not appear:
I then went into disk utilities and found that her hard drive was not mounted, and I was unable to mount it, disable encryption, nor repair it through disk utilities.
I may be wrong, but I think the hard drive has gotten all messed up from the computer crashing midway through FileVault encryption. I believe I can fix this by wiping the hard drive and reinstalling OS X but I would like to know first if there are any less drastic options available.