From what I’ve researched the standard explanation is that the brain is basically in fight or flight mode and you’re hearing your own nervous system on red alert. It can fix itself over time by using a process called habituation which is accepting it and getting used to the sound and/or neuroplasticity which is fundamentally rewiring the brain and creating new neural pathways by training it not to hear the sound which makes it recede into the background and eventually disappears because the brain sees that it is no longer a threat and as unimportant. This is achieved through the repetition of positive mental affirmations, visualization and relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, yoga, tai chi and/or exercise and/or neck release exercises called trigger point therapy, upper cervical chiropractic adjustments and/or regular chiropractic, certain dental procedures which involve the use of mouth guards and jaw releasing, relaxation and massage exercises, cranial sacral therapy, tapping, hypnotherapy, visualization, and other body and mind relaxation therapies and/or masking with nature sounds or pink noise. What can also help is reducing/removing some or all coffee, teas, sodas, alcohol, salt, sugar, spices, condiments, dairy, carbs, nuts, seeds, the night shade family of veggies, salicylates and oxylates from the diet and intermittent, 24 or 48 hour wet or dry fasting. Some people see results whether they’re vegan, vegetarian or meat eaters and even some do none of the above and still get better over time. Still, the majority of what I’ve read and seen in videos is that a healthy diet, stress reducing exercises and ignoring the sound so the brain can retrain itself not to hear it have the most impact on reducing and healing T.