Question regarding use of nano in Terminal ^
I'm on macOS Catalina 10.15.1and trying to run Nano 2.0.6.
I have a rather simple question.
I'm trying to edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file through Terminal, but as an almost completely inexperienced Terminal user (so don't be mean and use baby language please), I can't figure out how to actually navigate nano. It's telling me I can read by pressing "^R". Okay. I type down the actual ^ key on the keyboard and R and press enter, nothing happens. I try to hold the up-key and press R and vice versa and press enter, nothing happens.
I realise users of Terminal and nano revels in the pride of using such tools that are extremely user-unfriendly and difficult to navigate for the uninitiated, so don't bully me, but please give me some basic advice on how to proceed.
I wish to simply locate net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 and ensure it's 1 and not 0.
Grateful for help!
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.15