ipod not seen in itunes
New Windows10, Classic iPod(s) not seen in menu bar as mentioned in Help file. iPods can be seen in Windows Explorer. Previous Windows7 machine worked fine.
New Windows10, Classic iPod(s) not seen in menu bar as mentioned in Help file. iPods can be seen in Windows Explorer. Previous Windows7 machine worked fine.
Took tt2's information and proceeded to give it a try. I had 3 machines to upgrade so I started in mine first. I d/l the latest version 64bit from the website listed, which is older than a more recent one currently available. Next was to uninstall the iTunes App that you get from the Microsoft Store.
I proceeded with the new install I d/l and followed all prompts. I launched upon completion and was directed to login with name and password. All good so far.
After loading all my previous music I was at the Ho e screen. I looked to the upper left and noticed the ipod icon. I clicked it and it showed both that were connected. Great!
Next I went to the iTunes/Apple Music store and was prompted to login. Moment of truth...it went through and my balance showed and I was able to view store content.
Next was to Authorize my computer and that went smoothly. I closed iTunes and relaunched the program...its all good! I can now use iTunes normally with my Windows 10 Pro 64bit system. I then did each of the remaining 2 computers following the same procedure and all went well. I'm satisfied now and hope this will help others with similar issues.
Thanks again to tt2 and responding with a possible solution.
Took tt2's information and proceeded to give it a try. I had 3 machines to upgrade so I started in mine first. I d/l the latest version 64bit from the website listed, which is older than a more recent one currently available. Next was to uninstall the iTunes App that you get from the Microsoft Store.
I proceeded with the new install I d/l and followed all prompts. I launched upon completion and was directed to login with name and password. All good so far.
After loading all my previous music I was at the Ho e screen. I looked to the upper left and noticed the ipod icon. I clicked it and it showed both that were connected. Great!
Next I went to the iTunes/Apple Music store and was prompted to login. Moment of truth...it went through and my balance showed and I was able to view store content.
Next was to Authorize my computer and that went smoothly. I closed iTunes and relaunched the program...its all good! I can now use iTunes normally with my Windows 10 Pro 64bit system. I then did each of the remaining 2 computers following the same procedure and all went well. I'm satisfied now and hope this will help others with similar issues.
Thanks again to tt2 and responding with a possible solution.
Try iOS device not showing in iTunes for Windows - Apple Community. Despite the title the same steps apply. You may be better off with the old school installer for iTunes rather than the one from the Microsoft Store.
You're welcome. 🙂
Note there are links to more recent builds of iTunes at the very bottom of Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates - Apple Community. You might need one of those to connect with iOS 13 devices.
ipod not seen in itunes