Hello skatzman7,
Welcome to the Apple Support Communities. I understand you're having some issues with sending SMS from your new iPhone.
For clarification, you also mentioned you can't call like you used to. What's happening there exactly? If you're having issues with both calling and SMS, that would suggest an issue on the cellular or SIM card side of things.
Regarding iMessage specifically, tap Settings > Messages. Is "Send as SMS" turned on here?
Under Settings > Messages > Send & Receive, is there a check next to the phone number? Also, are your email addresses listed below the phone number? If they are, try tapping the email addresses to uncheck them to see if that helps. If you don't have a check next to your phone number, tap the Apple ID at the top of Send & Receive, and then sign out and sign back in to see if that helps.
For general troubleshooting with sending SMS or making calls, these have some great suggestions:
If you can't send or receive messages on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
If you can't make or receive calls on your iPhone
I hope this helps get you started. Have a good one.