I cannot test with Nikon Raw (NEF) files, only with Canon CR2 and Lumix RAW files.
You will get better editing results, when you are starting from the RAW files, as the format is lossless and you will avoid the JPEG artifacts. Photos offers the same adjustment tools for the JPEG as for the RAW original files.
When you edit the RAW originals, you will see additional controls for the noise reduction, that are missing when you edit JPEGS.
Also, Can you recommend a good advanced Photos study guide, reference source, or course. I am trying to replace Aperture with Photos.
andrewgoodmanwa wrote:
Also, Can you recommend a good advanced Photos study guide, reference source, or course. I am trying to replace Aperture with Photos.
I have not found any, sorry. Have a look at the online help, to get started: Photos User Guide for Mac - Apple Support
It is not as complete as the Aperture User Manual, but Photos does not have as many tools to customize the workspace as Aperture had.