Intellectual Disability Phone
I'd like to tailor an iPhone to my son's needs; he is 24 and has intellectual disabilities.
I would like a simple opening screen showing a few app icons (phone, music, photos, camera, other); a screen with photo icons and speed dial for the few people he would call; GPS location shared to another device; a screen that identifies his downloaded music by icons; an app that turns (incoming) text into speech; the ability to have speaker phone as the default; a way to hide internet and other apps.
My son does not read or count. He does navigate his iPad fairly well, mostly to watch youtube, and take pictures, but his ability to navigate screens and apps is quite limited. I would like him to have an iPhone for his own feeling of independence, the ability to call someone, as well as the GPS locator to allow him some independence to be without a caregiver.
Is it possible? Does anyone know (by experience) how to create any of the items on the above wish list? My general internet searches never give quite enough information to know whether something will work for me, and the amount of semi-information is overwhelming. Your help would be much appreciated!
iPhone 7