Call USA from Aruba on iPhone 11 max
What setting do I need to use to call the USA from Aruba.
What setting do I need to use to call the USA from Aruba.
Hey, Mcash145: If you are calling from the built-in Phone app, then there is no extra setting that you need to turn on. Before dialing you should make sure you know about the applicable service charges set by your mobile carrier. Then when dialing you should enter "011" followed by the country area code "1" and the 10 digit number "xxx-xxx-xxxx".
Hey, Mcash145: If you are calling from the built-in Phone app, then there is no extra setting that you need to turn on. Before dialing you should make sure you know about the applicable service charges set by your mobile carrier. Then when dialing you should enter "011" followed by the country area code "1" and the 10 digit number "xxx-xxx-xxxx".
In Settings, under Cellular, in Cellular Data Options, Voice & Data there are 3 options. LTE, VoLTE on, LTE, VoLTE Off and 3 G.
which option should I be on?
Call USA from Aruba on iPhone 11 max