Hi Barry,
I've been going along fine with the new Pages file and have been able to add many more pages and move them as needed and do everything I need to do. Except until an hour ago when I did something inadvertently and everything got locked together again. And somehow my TimeMachine hasn't backed up since Jan 27 which I hadn't noticed before. So everything I've done since you helped me fix my problem seems to be undone. All the pages are there but I can't move them around.
I'm not quite sure what I did, but it may have had something to do with a text box that I had copied and pasted and maybe pasted twice??Anyway there was a little arrow at the bottom of the text box that had a 2 on it and when I clicked on that it asked something that I forget--like did I want to un lock? something. I thought maybe I had linked two text boxes together so I said yes. After that I couldn't move anything anymore.
Last time I understood you to say I should open a new Pages file and start over by copying each page to a fresh page in the new file. I did that then with 15 pages. Now I have 39 pages and wonder if there is anything I can do without starting all over again copying each page. I think from what you said it has something to do with the File menu choice (convert to page layout/conver to something else I forget), and I've gone back and forth but that probably has made it worse.
If I have to start over I will, but if you have another suggestion I'd appreciate hearing it.