Driver for Kodak Printer!!
I have the MacBook Air OS 10.15.2 (19C57) now that I updated I can't get a driver for my KODAK EasyShare 5300 printer!!! HELP! I don't want to purchase a new printer!!
MacBook Air 13", macOS 10.15
I have the MacBook Air OS 10.15.2 (19C57) now that I updated I can't get a driver for my KODAK EasyShare 5300 printer!!! HELP! I don't want to purchase a new printer!!
MacBook Air 13", macOS 10.15
Probably Kodak would not supports macOS Catalina since they stop to release driver for Mojave or later or you have to wait till they release Mojave or Catalina driver.
Probably Kodak would not supports macOS Catalina since they stop to release driver for Mojave or later or you have to wait till they release Mojave or Catalina driver.
The ancient Kodak EasyShare 5300 AIO Printer is technically obsolete.
Best advice: get existing 'modern printer' ~ with upgradeable drivers.
There had been third-party drivers for some orphan peripherals, those
that did work awhile had to be spot-on. And your newest macOS 10.15.x
cannot use old 32-bit drivers so associated hardware is also obsoleted.
Even modern printer would probably require 'newer drivers' for 10.15.2+
You may need to talk to actual Apple Store or authorized brand name
sales professionals, who know for a fact which brands of printers work.
Several searches online show very old (G4 Mac PPC 10.5.x) & some later
patched drivers for early macOS/X (intel) that faded about OS X 10.8.5.
The Kodak site (new-reorganized/brand name) shows the latest products.
Old Printer Drivers have 'giant gap' from Kodak EasyShare AIO 5300 to now.
There may be a way for someone with compatible older mac or PC for
them to re-fill cartridges; and to use the old printer with vintage drivers.
I've some older Epson printers (and had HP, etc) those still work with
appropriate vintage systems and older driver support. Later wireless
printing also would not be supported; some workarounds to a point
were possible. But the gap is too large now with newest macOS.
(I have a few older Macs and can keep using vintage/obsolete software
plus models of good Epson photo' printers: OEM Ink is harder to get.
Re-filled cartridges get gunked-up & fail with 'generic/ink' cartridges.)
Hopeful you can find a good home for old Kodak brand gear. Presently
I've only 'Kodak name' ~ on antique film collectables; alongside others!
This is where I ended up, with Kodak-branded official support;
after extensive circular searches:
Most links within the "kodakdriversupport .com" page are suspect;
while they may be OK, could be laden with unhelpful adware, etc.
Official Kodak ~ of the era which built the printer, went bankrupt.
A later effort may have sustained their brand under new owner for awhile.
Good luck & happy computing!🌻🌤🍀
Thanks, figured as much. Just ****** me off and hope someone had a fix. Have three perfectly good printers here to throw out. 🤬🤬🤬
Driver for Kodak Printer!!