How to Uninstall Rapport
How can I uninstall Rapport from my I-mac when I cannot find the original dmg file and Rapport does not appear in Launchpad
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.15
How can I uninstall Rapport from my I-mac when I cannot find the original dmg file and Rapport does not appear in Launchpad
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.15
Thank you for your help. It looks like it has worked perfectly
Right-click (or Control-click) the installer and choose Open.
If that fails, navigate to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General tab and in the lower-right section of the panel select "Open Anyway" if it is displayed as an option.
Trusteer Rapport is an IBM product.
Here's a link to their removal instructions:
Uninstalling Rapport on Mac OS X - IBM Knowledge Center
Thanks for your help, the link was very helpful, but when I tried to open the uninstall software i got the message
Any idea how I can get around this response
How to Uninstall Rapport