I want AutoCad and SketchUp full function for my MacBook Pro
i wanted AutoCad and SketchUp full function for my MacBook Pro but honestly I’m helpless on this can anyone help me on this?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
i wanted AutoCad and SketchUp full function for my MacBook Pro but honestly I’m helpless on this can anyone help me on this?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
What MacBook Pro sub-model? Older model have fewer options, and MacBook Pros have been in continuous production since 2006. Please do "About this Mac" from your Apple menu and tell us the sub-model, how much RAM ("Memory") is installed, and what Mac OS version it is running:
What MacBook Pro sub-model? Older model have fewer options, and MacBook Pros have been in continuous production since 2006. Please do "About this Mac" from your Apple menu and tell us the sub-model, how much RAM ("Memory") is installed, and what Mac OS version it is running:
please I just upgraded my system to Catalina and the sketchup 2019 I have is displaying few tools honestly I do not know how to get other tools. Below is the screen of my Sketchup 2019
i really need help pls
They support computers as old as MacBook Pro 2008 models. Compute power is NOT an issue. Recent versions require High Sierra or better. 8GB RAM minimum, 16GB or higher recommended.
They do not require SSD boot drive, but [in my opinion] it would not be a good idea to proceed without SSD boot drive.
For simulations and detailed renderings, a high resolution, Hi-color [10 bits/pixel] display is recommended
Because of the amount of support they provide, both of these companies are using the subscription model for the full versions, and they can be pricey.
See what shows on the "Tools" menu.
Hover the mouse-pointer over the Icons in the Icon bar and they may show "tooltips"-- terse descriptions of what they do.
Pull down the "Help" menu and type the function you want in the search box.
I want AutoCad and SketchUp full function for my MacBook Pro