Trade IN
Hi There, just wanna ask is it okay to trade in but im not bought it directly to apple store i bought it to my friend ? is is possible to go with the process? ( and this device is locked to some carrier
iPhone X, iOS 13
Hi There, just wanna ask is it okay to trade in but im not bought it directly to apple store i bought it to my friend ? is is possible to go with the process? ( and this device is locked to some carrier
iPhone X, iOS 13
If you purchased your phone from a friend, as long as you can validate it operates isn't damaged and it has been prepared properly to be be sold, you can use it in trade. You do know the Apple ID and Password, for the device, correct?
If you purchased your phone from a friend, as long as you can validate it operates isn't damaged and it has been prepared properly to be be sold, you can use it in trade. You do know the Apple ID and Password, for the device, correct?
Trade IN