How long will apple support macOS High Sierra?
How long will Apple support macOS High Sierra?
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.13
How long will Apple support macOS High Sierra?
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.13
Apple has been releasing new versions once a year. Normally at the end of the year.
You can use your MacBook and High Sierra for as long as it works for you. There have been two upgrades since High Sierra and yours is still working I assume.
Apple has been releasing new versions once a year. Normally at the end of the year.
You can use your MacBook and High Sierra for as long as it works for you. There have been two upgrades since High Sierra and yours is still working I assume.
Any idea if Apple is working on another version and if so, when it might be released? I am trying to figure out when to replace my MacBook Pro with an updated model and want to get as much life out of macOS High Sierra on my current MacBook as possible. Thanks!
If history is any indication, security updates until the next version of macOS is released. There can always be exceptions.
How long will apple support macOS High Sierra?