Apple wants to make changes
How do I remove this pop-up from appearing? i'm sure it's malware.
How do I remove this pop-up from appearing? i'm sure it's malware.
Please read Writing an effective Apple Support Communities question. We are here to help. We are all users. We are not mind-readers nor clairvoyants. We only know what you write down and tell us. Be specific and thorough. Include your hardware information and installed version of macOS. Try to write clearly. Think about what you want to say before you write it down, then re-read it to see if it makes sense.
Reset Security Questions
Contact Apple for help with Apple ID account security
If you forgot the answers to your Apple ID security questions - Apple Support
You may need to reach Apple’s Account Security department. If you cannot find your country or are not able to call, then complete this form and send it to them.
Try using Apple's iForgot service. If it says they don't have sufficient information, you need to contact Apple's Account Security team. To reach them, click here and pick a method; if you can't use any of the ones listed, fill out and submit this form.
That particular popup means you installed malware/adware of some kind. Follow Kappy's top link for MalwareBytes for Mac. It has helped quite a few other users remove that one.
Apple wants to make changes