EpocCam connectivity problem
My copy of EpocCam does not see my Mac. I am guessing the problem is the connection from the iPhone.
I installed the EpocCam application on my iPhone 5s running iOS 12.4.5. I installed the Mac driver
on my Mac Mini running OS 10.15.4.
The application on the iPhone shows the iPhone sending out the radio waves. The image in the application shows only a generic laptop.
I made sure that both devices are on the same network. No change.
I connected the devices by USB. No change.
I looked in Activity Monitor on the Mac. It did not show a daemon for EpocCam. I restarted both the Mac and iPhone.
After restart EpocCam appears in Activity Monitor on the Mac. The screen on the iPhone remains
the same: it shows the iPhone active but no connection to the Mac.
I went to webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/devices/input-output/. That webpage does not recognize ANY video source.
On the iPhone’s screen, EpocCam shows the name of the iPhone. But it does not display the name
of the network below the name of the iPhone.
What do I do?
iPhone 5s