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EpocCam connectivity problem

My copy of EpocCam does not see my Mac.  I am guessing the problem is the connection from the iPhone.

I installed the EpocCam application on my iPhone 5s running iOS 12.4.5.  I installed the Mac driver

on my Mac Mini running OS 10.15.4.  

The application on the iPhone shows the iPhone sending out the radio waves.  The image in the application shows only a generic laptop.

I made sure that both devices are on the same network.  No change.

I connected the devices by USB. No change.


I looked in Activity Monitor on the Mac.   It did not show a daemon for EpocCam.  I restarted both the Mac and iPhone.

After restart EpocCam appears in Activity Monitor on the Mac.   The screen on the iPhone remains

the same:  it shows the iPhone active but no connection to the Mac.

I went to webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/devices/input-output/.  That webpage does not recognize ANY video source.

On the iPhone’s screen, EpocCam shows the name of the iPhone.  But it does not display the name

of the network below the name of the iPhone.

What do I do?

iPhone 5s

Posted on Mar 30, 2020 2:23 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jun 21, 2020 4:24 AM

On macs with a case sensitive file system, the EpocCam daemon will not start at all, because of an error in the installation routine for the EpocCam 2.0 drivers. One of the directories is called EpocCamPlugIn.plugin, but all the configuration files refer to the directory as EpocCamPlugin.plugin (with a lowercase i). This causes a spinning wheel of death, where the iPhone app will say "Connecting..." and the macOS driver will only show a spinning wheel.

The fix is simple:

$ sudo mv /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/EpocCamPlugIn.plugin /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/EpocCamPlugin.plugin

On my computer, the iPhone connected instantly upon entering the above command, and Activity monitor now shows EpocCam, which it previously did not. Note that the daemon is called EpocCam, not EpocCamDaemon as mentioned in their FAQ.

I have reported this to Kinoni.

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Jun 21, 2020 4:24 AM in response to R_55a

On macs with a case sensitive file system, the EpocCam daemon will not start at all, because of an error in the installation routine for the EpocCam 2.0 drivers. One of the directories is called EpocCamPlugIn.plugin, but all the configuration files refer to the directory as EpocCamPlugin.plugin (with a lowercase i). This causes a spinning wheel of death, where the iPhone app will say "Connecting..." and the macOS driver will only show a spinning wheel.

The fix is simple:

$ sudo mv /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/EpocCamPlugIn.plugin /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/EpocCamPlugin.plugin

On my computer, the iPhone connected instantly upon entering the above command, and Activity monitor now shows EpocCam, which it previously did not. Note that the daemon is called EpocCam, not EpocCamDaemon as mentioned in their FAQ.

I have reported this to Kinoni.


May 9, 2020 9:51 AM in response to R_55a

You should actually see the a dialog box popping up to install the xcode command line tools when you run the “xcode-select — install” command.

You can also double confirm it by running

xcode-select -p

if its installed, you will see the path where it’s installed


When you have that, you should be able to run the codesign utility.


Apr 1, 2020 1:57 PM in response to R_55a

In case anyone is curious, here is the further report. After I posted my question here, I gave up and trying to get the iPhone to do the display that the Kinoni website says is supposed to be there. I turned on my Zoom application, and it immediately showed what is on the iPhone camera. The Kinoni software says it does not work, but it does.

But then I ran into a big problem. I want to use the iPhone for both video and audio. Kinoni has another application that we have to buy. This application promises audio but only for Windows. Kinoni says that it might offer audio service for a Mac some day.

Does anyone know of any software that would allow an iPhone to transmit both video and audio to a Mac?


May 9, 2020 5:25 AM in response to R_55a

Try updating with the latest MacOS driver. Kinoni just released a v2.0 (Download macOS drivers) of it that is supposed to be a lot more stable.

Also, Finally found a fix if you can't see EpocCam on Zoom anymore. Posted on my blog here (https://www.atpeaz.com/kinoni-epoccam-not-working-with-zoom-and-snap-camera-heres-the-fix/) to keep a reference. TL;DR: you need to unsign the zoom app to allow it to load unsigned modules. It works for the latest 5.0.1 update of Zoom too. EpocCam now also works for me on Snap Camera using the same method.


May 9, 2020 8:40 AM in response to ngyinchern

That Reddit instruction is the same instruction that Kinoni provides on its Troubleshooting page, "https://www.kinoni.com/support-and-instructions/." I have already tried that technique without success.

I was able to get Terminal to run "xcode-select --install." At least, I think I did. What I recall is that Terminal did not report a failure to install.

But when I run the second step, "sudo codesign --remove-signature /Applications/zoom.us.app/," Terminal reports:

"-bash: 19SL-CC03168: command not found"


May 9, 2020 10:29 AM in response to ngyinchern

Well, this is strange. In Terminal, I ran "xcode-select -p." Terminal reported installation at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools. I then ran "sudo codesign --remove-signature /Applications/zoom.us.app/" again. This was at least my fourth attempt. And this time it worked. Zoom.us now connects to EpocCam.


May 15, 2020 8:15 AM in response to ngyinchern

The same problem reoccurred when I installed the latest version of Zoom.us. This is v. 5.0.2. Again Zoom.us would not connect to the iPhone camera through EpocCam. Again I ran "sudo codesign --remove-signature /Applications/zoom.us.app/" in Terminal. And, again, Zoom.us then resumed connecting to the iPhone video through EpocCam.

It appears that this is a repair job we will have to undertake with each update to the Zoom application.


Jun 21, 2020 4:24 AM in response to ovegram

By the way: what put me on the right track was noticing that the uninstall script tried to delete a folder that didn't exist, and the Launch Agent script also tried to reference a file that didn't exist:

$ cat /Library/LaunchAgents/com.kinoni.epoccam.daemon.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">


Jun 21, 2020 4:32 AM in response to ovegram

Perhaps not exactly specific to EpocCam, but just to share that I’ve since moved on from using EpocCam to turn my iPhone as a webcam. If you don’t mind always having the iPhone plugged in via USB to your Mac, you can actually use either CamTwist or OBS to use the iPhone as a video source. Both CamTwist and OBS can then broadcast its video stream via its virtual camera plugin.

One of the main reason why I went his route is because I’ve found that EpocCam is generally quite unreliable. It doesn’t always work. Secondly, I’m now using a green screen to hide my background. This works way better than a purely software one like the one on Zoom. https://www.atpeaz.com/virtual-background-for-google-meet-on-macos-using-obs/


Jul 17, 2020 8:49 AM in response to HermanRinger

It is not a silly question at all. With the onset of COVID-19, a very large number of us are newbies at teleconferencing.

In addition to what ngyinchern reports, see my post of May 9. I reported there what worked for me--on the fourth try.

I do have to ask about the version of Zoom that you have. As I said, for me Zoom has been working just fine since v. 5.0.4.


Jul 20, 2020 5:13 PM in response to HermanRinger

If you're referring to this command:

sudo mv /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/EpocCamPlugIn.plugin /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/EpocCamPlugin.plugin

then ensure that you did not include the leading "$" sign when you copied and pasted.

The command that you're trying to execute is "mv", to rename the file.


EpocCam connectivity problem

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