Re: Ok, so I've come to a conclusion. I would like to empty my Icloud photo storage, before that to backup and only use this as a sync to my PC and not a photo backup, if you get me ? So i'll be using free Icloud space until it gets full again, then copy my photos to pc then use it like that again.
How to delete Icloud photos, will this delete the photos on my iphone ? THANK YOU SIR !
I'm not sure I understand so will try to cover some (but not all) possibilities. What I think you are saying is that you want to periodically manually transfer photos from your phone to a computer via the "Import to a PC" method described in Transfer photos and videos from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
and delete the photos from the phone after they are on the PC. And you want to have an iCloud Backup of those that are on the phone between transfers.
If that is correct. the next question is whether iCloud Photos is currently turned on. If so, turn it off as described in Get help with iCloud Photos - Apple Support
(read that carefully and be sure you understand it).
With iCloud Photos off you can import the photos to the PC and once you are sure they are there (and that you have an effective backup system in place for the PC) you can delete them from the phone.
Turn on iCloud Backup on the phone (or leave it on if it was already on) and insure photos are not excluded from the backup.