Recover Apple email draft on iPad
How do I Recover a draft that I saved on an iPad in Apple Mail. It is not in any of my Draft or Trash mailboxes.
iPad, iOS 13
How do I Recover a draft that I saved on an iPad in Apple Mail. It is not in any of my Draft or Trash mailboxes.
iPad, iOS 13
This always happens when you have created that perfectly worded epithet - crafted to absolute perfection - that, when lost, you have absolutely no hope of ever creating again in such magnificence... 🙁
This always happens when you have created that perfectly worded epithet - crafted to absolute perfection - that, when lost, you have absolutely no hope of ever creating again in such magnificence... 🙁
Ugh! It’s my own fault I guess. I know better than to do free-flow writing in email. Usually I do it in Word then copy and paste to email. Just got carried away with the thoughts.
thank you for helping me. 😇
I am sorry, you are not going to be able to recover this message.
Yikes! I can’t recover it? That’s one hour of free flow writing down the drain!
I pressed cancel, then save draft. And now it’s gone? Gone where? How can this happen?
It's possible you accidentally tapped Delete Draft instead of Save Draft. I've done this on occasion.
I thought that could be too. But then wouldn’t it be in my trash? Which it is not.
No. And I just tested it. If you hit cancel, then delete draft, it will not go to your trash bin, because you never saved it at all.
You're welcome and sorry. I know how it feels to lose something you spent much effort composing.
So right!
Recover Apple email draft on iPad