I Can’t download second and eighth Song,
Why can't I download the second and eighth songs, I have bought the entire album?
Why can't I download the second and eighth songs, I have bought the entire album?
I can’t see any link from you
I can’t see any link from you
Have you hidden them : Hide and unhide music, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, and books - Apple Support ?
Oh my god, I bought this red album twice,also can’t download speak now.....
Why can't you download them, what happens ?
I have bought the entire album, but there is no way to download the second and eighth songs........><
No,I no hide any music, any how to check hide any unhind music?
See the link I gave you
Yes.i use computer see the hide music, now i unhind it, it is solved,thk!
I Can’t download second and eighth Song,