Remove carrier?!
How do I remove a Rogers carrier from my iPhone 7 so I can use my Telus SIM card???
i accidentally clicked solved but It’s not solved yett
iPhone 7, iOS 13
How do I remove a Rogers carrier from my iPhone 7 so I can use my Telus SIM card???
i accidentally clicked solved but It’s not solved yett
iPhone 7, iOS 13
I understand, from your post that you are changing cellular service carriers, and in your case, from Rogers to Telus. The switch should be simple. You simply remove the SIM card from Rogers and replace that with the SIM card from Telus.
Here is how to install (remove / replace) a SIM card ➔ Remove or switch the SIM card in your iPhone.
Axel F.
I understand, from your post that you are changing cellular service carriers, and in your case, from Rogers to Telus. The switch should be simple. You simply remove the SIM card from Rogers and replace that with the SIM card from Telus.
Here is how to install (remove / replace) a SIM card ➔ Remove or switch the SIM card in your iPhone.
Axel F.
That’s not what I mean at all tbh I need to somehow remove the Rogers Carrier from the iPhone and idk how to do that I obviously know how to take a SIM card out of an iPhone
OK and here I thought I was providing guidance to remove a service provided by Rogers and to be replaced by service provided by Telus. Am I correct to assume that your iPhone has a Rogers SIM card and that your iPhone is LOCKED to Rogers? AND you want to know how get your iPhone unlocked from Rogers so that it can work with the Telus cellular service?
If my assumptions above are correct and that your iPhone is LOCKED to Rogers then you will need to call Rogers and ask them to unlock your iPhone. It is entirely up to Rogers to Unlock that iPhone.
If I have misunderstood your post (again) then please provide more details so that we know what exactly you wish to address. Thanks.
Axel F.
Remove carrier?!