Fusion drive SSD partition filling up too fast for HDD?
I have a problem with two 2019 iMacs.
Two different users working at a magazine have both experienced this issue.
Certain macOS programs as well as Photoshop are reporting either out of disk space or scratch disks are full.
But there’s actually 36 gigs free on the Macintosh HD. (The internal fusion drive is the only connected hard drive) Other programs are grinding to a halt, networking operations are failing, etc.
Nothing is hanging in activity viewer, No obvious errors in console. There’s plenty of disk space free and we removed another 10 gigs just to be sure.
Tried starting up in safe boot and restarting again normally.
My theory is the fusion drive is not migrating new files being synchronized by onedrive to the HDD fast enough. And therefore the little SSD is filling up even though the volume shows there’s 36 gigs free.
So any programs that are accessing the SSD drive partition think the system is out of space. There is no obvious way to control or to see any statistics or information about how or when files are moved from one drive to the other In the fusion magic process and feel totally helpless.
How can I solve this problem? How can I make sure the SSD drive has enough space for the programs to function?
And this is not the “split drive“ problem I’ve seen other people talk about
Can anyone confirm or give any advice? Do I just need to wait for the macOS to finally catch up and move things over so there’s enough space for Photoshop to launch and other macOS programs to function properly? How do I fix this?