iPhone Disconnected During a Restore
How can I restore mu iphone 8 plus the phone is keeps on restarting during restore
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.15
How can I restore mu iphone 8 plus the phone is keeps on restarting during restore
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.15
I'm Using Original lighting cable I tried the second option but still issue persist.
I'm Using Original lighting cable I tried the second option but still issue persist.
Your iPhone keeps restarting because there may be an issue with the connection from our iPhone to the USB port on your computer. Two things to try-
Axel F.
My issue was resolved using windows laptop and download/installed itunes there, I used same lighting cable and it works perfectly I think this is due to the download firmware was to Big and it takes time to download the file, and then download will discontinue since Iphone was restarted and it will disconnected to the Mac Finder. Note I'm using finder since macos catilana was no logger supported the Itunes and there's should be a download progress during restoration of iphone even it is disconnected it should continue the firmware download.
That cable in the picture you posted does not look in good shape. Can you try out another cable just to make sure and rule it out?
Axel F.
I am glad that you were able to resolve it.
Axel F.
iPhone Disconnected During a Restore