how to send text from iphone but not display my phone number
how to send text from iphone but not display my phone number
iPhone 8, iOS 13
how to send text from iphone but not display my phone number
iPhone 8, iOS 13
How can I text without showing my name
How can I text without showing my name
thank you. Can I use my email address rather than my number? I am a teacher and prefer not to show my phone number to students.
You can’t send SMS anonymously from any phone. There are web-based services that let you send SMS messages, and some of them support anonymous sending.
I use Google Voice. It’s free, and you can send and receive texts from the number you get to choose when you set it up. go to to set it up if you want to try it. You can optionally forward texts and calls to other numbers automatically. My GV number is my “public” number, so my iPhone and landline numbers don’t get published anywhere. And you can change the number or add additional numbers as you need to.
You have discovered one of the setbacks with trying to text students. That is one of the reasons I don't do it either, and I'm in higher education(college). Using your email address with texting is then sharing your Apple ID. You don't want to do that either. Some schools use texting services so you can send texts via the computer. Those are charged to the institution on a per text basis. That is why I use school generated email for communications. I believe you can use Google Voice as an option, which generates a phone number that is not really your personal number. You would have to wait for someone that uses that to provide more information about it. I don't use it.
Thanks for that Lawrence. I was aware of it, but have never done that much with it. Maybe I'll look into this myself now, with all of this need for alternative measures to contact students. And to top it off, our Exchange server at the college has gone down, so we have no mail access for us or the students. It appears even the web server is down as well, making things even more difficult.
Thank you. I will see if I can set up an alternate number or email
how to send text from iphone but not display my phone number