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RE: Data Recovery due to Battery Replacement

I would like to demand a full recovery of my datas and files in my previous Iphone XS with serial number DNPXGNF6****. I have my Iphone XS working just fine but suddenly it shut down and would not turn on. I asked for repair service through AppleCare+ and tried to contact Apple Customer Service to please let the technician know not to restore the phone because it will cause me to lose all of my files that was in the phone. It was not my fault, but the defective iphone’s malfunctions, that caused me to loose all those files. I bought a bigger memory Iphone so that I don’t have to worry about memory space of my pictures/files. However, due to a faulty battery that is less than a year old, there was no way for me to save the files anywhere because the iphone would not turn on. I would understand and will solely shoulder the burden of losing the files if it was my fault for such reason that I lost the unit or break the iphone itself. For this instance, I don't want to settle by just replacing my phone with a replacement phone. I would like Apple, AppleCare+ to recover my files from my old iphone as part of customer satisfaction guarantee that you offer. This is not my fault that the phone shut down. It was the battery. PLEASE do something on this matter because I trusted Apple so much with functionality of its iphones.

iPhone XS, iOS 13

Posted on May 19, 2020 7:48 PM


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Jun 10, 2020 8:28 AM in response to applejake710

Your rule of thumb is a flat out lie for people who reside within the USA. Data recovery from an iPhone with a bad battery is 100% possible with a simple battery swap. You don’t need a whole new device.

Be that as it may, manufacturers are free to dictate the terms of their warranties. And here is Apple's:


Note the limitations, especially the fact that you agree to the terms of the warranty if you use the device.

So, check the legal facts before accusing anyone of lying.


May 29, 2020 5:33 PM in response to irene_salazar09

Please read the legal terms of the Applecare + plan:


In particular:

Apple will not provide Technical Support in the following circumstances:

(g) For damage to, or loss of, any software or data that was residing or recorded on the Covered Equipment (note: the Plan does not cover the recovery or reinstallation of software programs and user data).


May 19, 2020 8:09 PM in response to irene_salazar09

irene_salazar09 Said:

"RE: Data Recovery due to Battery Replacement: [...]This is not my fault that the phone shut down. It was the battery. PLEASE do something on this matter because I trusted Apple so much with functionality of its iphones."


Take this Up with Apple - Enable the Cameral App:

These are User-to-User forums. You are not speaking with Apple Here. We are just everyday Apple users like you. Contact Apple Support - performing a chat may make it better - also, you can enable the Camera app on your iPhone, and show the Apple rep what is going on. That way, they can see this up front from your perspective. If you cannot access your iPhone's Camera app, then ask someone else (i.e. coworker, friend, peer, family member, etc.) if you may use their iPhone.

So, here is the info on doing so...

Contact Apple Support:

A. Phone Support Info:

B. Chat Session Info:

Being that phone calls are taking a moment, perform a chat session with Apple Support.

Setting Up the Cat Session:

  1. Go to: support.apple.com
  2. Scroll Down to "Tell us how we can help"
  3. Select: Get Support
  4. Proceed from there as Necessary

Note: Phone Calls are Currently a Wait:

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, phone calls are taking a lot longer than usual. So, take this up with Apple, despite how long it may take to get on the phone. With many out of work, and many home from school, phone calls will likely take a while to go through — so, just stay on the line. Ask the Apple Rep — they’ll see this and will run you through the fix. Chats are taking a bit longer too.


May 29, 2020 5:46 PM in response to irene_salazar09

Legal - Repair Terms and Conditions - Apple

1.2 Data Transfer Services. If your Apple Mac product is capable of storing software programs, data or other information (“Data”), Apple may attempt to transfer said Data to a replacement device. During service, it is possible that Data may be lost. In such an event, Apple will not be responsible for any loss of Data. 

a. As part of any Data transfer service, whether or not Apple is able to successfully transfer Data from the original device to the replacement device, Apple will delete any Data on the original device. You should maintain a separate backup copy of the contents of the device’s Data, remove all personal information that you want to protect and disable all security passwords. During service it is possible that the Data will be lost, replaced or reformatted. In such an event Apple and its agents are not responsible for any loss of software programs, Data or other information contained on the device.

b. Data transfer service will involve the transfer of Data directly from the original device to the replacement device or to a compatible external data storage device you provide. Apple will not transfer the Data to any Apple owned or 3rd party owned data storage system or device and will not store a copy of the Data as part of any Data transfer service.”

Apple never assumes any responsibility for user data during service. No company does. Your data is, and always has been, your responsibility. Why would you ever trust your supposedly precious data to a single point of failure? A backup is your one and only security that your data will not be lost.

If you care about the data, backups are not optional, they are required. That goes for any smart phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or whatever you own.


Jun 10, 2020 9:42 AM in response to applejake710

Apple can indeed deny warranty service if the device was opened and worked on by someone else. In the USA there are practically no federal consumer laws that cover warranty terms. Those will be governed by State law. And in most States, a company can pretty much put anything they want in their warranty terms, as long as they make those written terms publicly available (which Apple does -> https://www.apple.com/legal/warranty/).

While you can always contest the terms of any warranty, you’ll have to pay to go to court over that.

And Apple often can indeed replace batteries in iPhones without data loss. But since they have no idea beforehand of the state or condition of the device, or why the battery or power failed, they never guarantee they can do so without data loss. No technology company does.

It has always been the case that if your data matters to you back it up. Because the plain reality is, it doesn’t matter to anyone else and nobody else is ever going to assume responsibility for it.


Jun 10, 2020 3:40 AM in response to KiltedTim

This is a flat out lie. there are many many companies that can replace your battery AND keep your data. If you are in the united states Apple CAN NOT deny warranty claims for having a third party do work on your phone unless Apple can prove that the third party directly caused the damage to the device you are trying to have repaired under warranty. KNOW YOUR CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS.


Jun 10, 2020 3:43 AM in response to irene_salazar09

there are many many companies that can replace your battery AND keep your data. If you are in the united states Apple CAN NOT deny warranty claims for having a third party do work on your phone unless Apple can prove that the third party directly caused the damage to the device you are trying to have repaired under warranty. KNOW YOUR CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS.


Jun 10, 2020 4:25 AM in response to applejake710

applejake70 Said:

This is a flat out lie. there are many many companies that can replace your battery AND keep your data. If you are in the united states Apple CAN NOT deny warranty claims for having a third party[...]


Welcome to the World of Apple:

So, there are Faulty Devices out there - I’ve been through one. Apple looked At it and swapped it out, free of charge.

By Rule of Thumb:

Don’t have a third-party company fiddle with your iPhone or your warranty is bye-bye (cancelled)


RE: Data Recovery due to Battery Replacement

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