This is not a question, it's just a suggestion for those having issues with installed fonts after upgrading to Catalina. Many of my fonts disappeared on applications like keynote and numbers or they would show up under the name LastResort.
I tried to get help from Apple support, but it didn't work. So I started digging online and I found a solution here:
All you need to do is delete the font cache files, and this is how you do it on Catalina:
1 - Close all running applications.
2 - From an administrator account, open the Terminal app and enter the following command (or copy/paste it from here):
sudo atsutil databases -remove
Enter your administrator password when prompted.
This removes all font cache files maintained by macOS. Both for the system and the active user account.
3 - After running the command, close Terminal and immediately restart your Mac.
Make sure you close ALL your running applications before doing it and IMMEDIATELY RESTART your mac after doing it and before running any application.
Hope this helps!
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.15