Apple loops disappeared
Hi there. Since upgrading to LPX 10.5 my apple loops have gone. in LPX. When I open Garageband, the apple loops are there... Can anyone help me tot solve this issue. Thanks in advance, Pieter
Hi there. Since upgrading to LPX 10.5 my apple loops have gone. in LPX. When I open Garageband, the apple loops are there... Can anyone help me tot solve this issue. Thanks in advance, Pieter
Well before you do (it’s straightforward), just try resetting preferences and/or deleting them,
Resetting preferences doesn’t affect your project files, presets or patches. However, you do lose any custom preference settings that you might have made.
After resetting preferences, open your project and try to reproduce the issue that you were experiencing. If the issue no longer occurs, open Logic Pro preferences and reapply your custom preference settings.
Delete Logic Pro preferences
Reinstalling on a Mac is 99% useless, did you do as laamusic described?
Go to the upper left Logic Pro X Menu, scroll to Preferences and select "Reset All Preferences Except Key Commands"
Important: Immediately quit Logic and reboot the computer. Reindex.
Very. Have you tried logging in to your Mac as a different user and openingLogic to see if there is a preferences issue on your account?
failing that given the content is there and you can’t drag a loop to the browser, (did you get any error message?) You’ve rebooted, relaunched, reindexed and still no joy, I’d be inclined to try a reinstall of logic. It’s weird!
Yes that’s right.
so you can see the loops in their folder, but you can’t drag one from there to the loop browser.
you can see all downloaded library sounds, but still no loops.
but in GarageBand they’re still all there?
have you a saved older version of logic?
Your Loops are on your system drive, Yes?
There is one other possible solution.
The Loops are originally indexed by Spotlight, if the spotlight index gets corrupted it can give you re result you're seeing.
Back up important data, (safety measure) never had a problem with this but let's take no chances.
Go to:
System Preferences/Spotlight
Choose the Privacy Tab
Drag your system drive, or use the + to select it.
Select Choose, quit Sysprefs and reboot. (The original Spotlight Index has been deleted)
Now go back to the same place and remove the system drive from the Spotlight privacy tap.
Again, reboot and Spotlight will reuild the full drive index.
Be patient. Rebuilding the drive index will take some time.
Are you looking in the loops library in logic?
have you downloaded the additional content?
Hi, thanx for quick response! When I look in Sound Library manager, in Additional Content Packages, Apple loops are marked as installed.
Well they must be there then!
are you familiar with Logic to know that you’re looking in the correct place for your loops, - - sorry if it sounds a little obvious.
No prob, I looked in ../Library/Audio/Apple Loops and it's all there... It seems that LPX can't find it ...
In logic, where are you looking?
it may be worth updating the library from the library view.
well I tried to drag the apple loops from the above location on my hards disk into the actual apple loops field in LPX. it fails, it's not accepted...
Can you post a screenshot of your loop library view in LPX?
Have you tried reindexing loops?
yes, i reinstalled the whole sound library and i reindexed the loops. it's quite weird that the loops are present though in garageband ...
Apple loops disappeared