Apple TV channels showing not subscribed
Subscribed channels not working or show as subscribed
Subscribed channels not working or show as subscribed
It reverted back on my system after a few minutes, and I haven’t encountered it again. You may want to try signing out and back into the account. If persists you may want to let Apple know
It reverted back on my system after a few minutes, and I haven’t encountered it again. You may want to try signing out and back into the account. If persists you may want to let Apple know
What is your model Apple TV? Identify your Apple TV model - Apple Support
Which channel(s) did you subscribe to?
Note that non-Apple TV app channel subscriptions are not exchangeable with Apple TV app channel subscriptions. E.g. HBO Go or HBO Now cannot be activated as Apple TV app Channel HBO.
Subscribe to Apple TV channels in the Apple TV app - Apple Support
Apple TV HD. Everything is subscribed to through Apple Channels. No apps from any providers. Cinemax, Apple TV+, Showtime and Stars all went down at the same and then reverted back to the the try iit free option. This happed on all devices TV, IPads and phones. All subscriptions are current and show up as subscribed and paid in my account.
I have current subscriptions to Apple TV+, CBS All Access, and HBO thru Apple TV Channels. None of these are connected at the moment on any of my devices.
I have noticed this on my system, although it fluctuated between not recognizing and then resuming normal functionality. It seems to be back to normal now, but I am going to keep my eye on it.
Apple TV channels showing not subscribed