Airpods Pro - Buzzing Noise
So I have been using my Airpods Pro since last December, and just about a week ago the right Airpod started making this buzzing noise in the background. Any time I clear my throat or talk, it makes a weird buzzing noise. I am assuming it has something to do with the in-ear noise balancing system. Not 100% sure. But it is quite bothersome, especially when I am on a call.
I would love to replace it, but I bought them from Walmart, and they said if I didn't purchase a warranty, and I'm outside the 90 days, then they can't do anything about it. I also looked into AppleCare, and it sounds like they would be able to replace one of the Airpods for $89.00. So far, it is sounding like that is my best bet. However, I am a poor, newly married man, and don't have an extra $90.00 to get this one Airpod replaced/fixed.
Any ideas on what I should do?