rename a computer
I will be migrating from an old iMac to a new iMac. Can I give the new iMac a different name than the old iMac or do I have to change the name of the old i Macto the new name before the migration? If so, how do I change the name?
I will be migrating from an old iMac to a new iMac. Can I give the new iMac a different name than the old iMac or do I have to change the name of the old i Macto the new name before the migration? If so, how do I change the name?
Yes, you can call an iMac whatever you want.
Yes, you can call an iMac whatever you want.
No not at all. When you do the migration, simply connect the old Mac's Time Machine External Hard Disk using a USB cable to the new computer. Do this before the new computer is turned on for the first time. When you turn on the new computer it will startup Setup Assistant. SA will get to a point where it asked if you are migrating from another Mac, simply type YES and follow the on-screen prompts. This is the fastest, most reliable and easiest method!!! After the migration is done and you have the computer setup, then you can rename it if you want to.
Thank you. Will renaming my computer affect its connectivity and sharing with my other devices or with iCloud? Will it affect my time machine back up?
rename a computer