iCloud for Windows (version 11) - SOLUTION for photos not syncing
Many people (including me) have posted to this community to say that their photos are not syncing with iCloud, when using the latest version of iCloud for Windows (version 11), and that they used to be able to sync with the previous version. If you are one of these people, you will have noticed that the photos options have changed in the latest version - and the options to 'download' or 'upload' have disappeared. Also, you will have seen the online help from Apple, and some responses to queries in this community, still often refer to the previous version, and so is not much use. The new online help says 'photos will automatically sync' between iCloud and Windows (without the options to 'download' or 'upload' that were there before). This does not seem to work for many - who are left with the status 'updating...' without end (I was one of them).
I've spoken with Apple Support, and their view is there is a new incompatibility between the latest iCloud for Windows, and the latest Windows itself (in particular OneDrive, which is now the engine behind iCloud for Windows).
The solution is basically to revert back to the previous version - but it is not clear how to do this, as most guidance ends up with 'download from the Microsoft Store'.
Here is how I finally sorted this out:
- If you have tried to uninstall iCloud for Windows, and partially done so, install it again (honestly) from the Microsoft Store. If it is still installed, move to 2.
- Install the free version of Revo Uninstaller (https://www.revouninstaller.com/products/revo-uninstaller-free/)., and use this to uninstall iCloud from your PC. Why? now you have iCloud for Windows (latest version) installed, Revo will allow you to properly uninstall it. This includes clearing the registry of references to iCloud - which normal uninstall via Windows will not do. This is important because any such entries will prevent the previous version of iCloud for Windows being installed later. It should also remove any spurious 'iCloud Photos' folder links in Windows Explorer's navigation pane - which many of us had, as a result of the issue.
- Go to the Apple support page here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204283. Under 'Here's what you need' there is a link to download a version of iCloud for Windows for Windows 7 and 8. Go to that link and download / install this. If you have the option - choose *not* to install updates automatically. This gives you the previous version - with the Photos options you expect - and it works on Windows 10.
- Be careful not to allow automatic updates from Microsoft Store - as this may try to replace this version of iCloud for Windows with the latest version again. I suggest you set 'update apps automatically' to "Off" in Microsoft Store.
That should do it. I hope this is useful - and saves people going through what I had to go through over the last few weeks.
Good luck.
Windows, Windows 6