Motion Templates in Final Cut Pro
I went to Users>Movies>Motion Templates and it's totally empty. I open the app and all the title filters are there but I can't figure out how to install new templates. Help?!
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I went to Users>Movies>Motion Templates and it's totally empty. I open the app and all the title filters are there but I can't figure out how to install new templates. Help?!
I found out that I needed to make the template type folders plural when naming. (Titles.localized, Effects.localized, etc...) the link you gave didn't mention that. After I made those updates, it worked like a charm!
fox_m wrote:
This may answer a number of your questions:
I found out that I needed to make the template type folders plural when naming. (Titles.localized, Effects.localized, etc...) the link you gave didn't mention that. After I made those updates, it worked like a charm!
fox_m wrote:
This may answer a number of your questions:
If this folder struct is already in place make sure the path is correct using a ".localized" extension. Then you have to add the missing folders for the Motion Template types. The easiest way is to use a little script I wrote:
If you own Motion – Motion will do the same for you.
With the complete template folders follow the vendor/creator instructions to install. Many of of those even come with an installer.
In case the instructions are "incomplete":
There are 4 types of Motion template files.
Each is stored in a folder together with some other files and folders (there might be more than listed below):
The folder name in most cases are the same as the template. It should not have a ".localized" extension.
The "template folder" should be stored in a "category folder" – example:
.../Transitions.localized/MyCoolStuff/Amazing Transition 1
The "Amazing Transition 1" folder would contain:
Amazing Transition 1. motr
If the "Amazing Transition 1" folder would be installed directly into .../Transitions.localized the transition would show up in FCP under the "Custom" category.
fox_m wrote:
This may answer a number of your questions:
Good overview - but there is something wrong:
*There is special case that makes this instruction list a little different. If your template is "themed", then that is an extra level of folder that needs to be inserted. In general, if the templates you are installing are themed, then each of the templates will already be placed inside a Theme (name) folder and you should have instructions to place the entire Theme folder inside the Category level. Otherwise, it is recommended that you do not use Themes unless you know what you're doing.
Themes don't need any additional folder nor do additional folders help to create "Themes".
Themes are created inside Motion and stored inside the template XML file. You can have multiple Categories and even template types with the same "Theme" and no folders for the "Theme".
It's not wrong... it's just superficial. My instructions and explanations are geared to people who are not accustomed to manually installing templates. Themes are a whole other level of PITA. When you create a Theme in Motion, you get the folder. If there is a Theme in one of *my* templates, there is a theme folder. If a user is using an older version of FCPX... there better be Theme folders. I know the <theme> tag in themed templates. I've gone in to edit (or remove) them. Most users do not need to know this.
Theme folders make organization of templates better. If you like 24 different versions of the same bloody time as separate files... folders might not be convenient. If you make templates that don't require the Theme folder(s), then those instructional explanations belong to you.
It is still recommended that you do not use Themes unless you know what you're doing.
Thanks for the link. I went through and made all of the localized folders and dropped in the Title template but it's still not showing up when I open final cut pro and go to titles. I did it on my work computer and didn't have any problems so I'm not sure why my laptop isn't working the same way.
I got the files here:
This may answer a number of your questions:
You cannot use Themes unless you change the Motion file!
That's why I recommended to use my AppleScript – works around all this little typos you can make when creating those things manually ;-)
Motion Templates in Final Cut Pro