Data Stream Studio wrote:
I'm getting ready to upgrade my OS to install Logic 10.5.1. I'm running High Sierra on my 2015 Mac book Pro. I'm backed up and Logic is copied. What I'm wondering is whether I should load Mojave, or go all the way to Catalina. Any advice?
Short answer:
Step 1: Do your homework
Step 2: Upgrade to Catalina
Long Answer:
The short version of the long answer is, no advice will fit everybody. Systems are now so complex that you cannot post a simple question should I update to A or B. The answer is always IT DEPNDS.
It depends on your individual system. What I mean with "homework" is., check all the relevant factors (hardware, 32-64bit, legacy needs, future needs, etc.) and then gather all the information that applies to the individual aspect. For example, everything might be pointing at Catalina, but you have a hardware that doesn't support that update.
What makes it even more complicated to come to a decision is that there is a lot of "incorrect" advice out there. Or again, advice that might not apply to your situation.
For example, if you read all the horror stories and endless threads of how buggy V10.5 and v10.5.1 is, you might overlook the real picture, which is, 80% of the crashes are caused by plugins that haven't been updated by the manufacturers. Either the developer ignored the instructions that Apple provided to them or it is an old Plugin that won't get an update, or the update would be a paid update. If you don't have any of those Plugins, then you could update to 10.5.1 and never ever experience a single glitch. Remember, it depends.
I could tell you my experience (no issues so far), but it is irrelevant because I most likely, I have a different system and different needs.
The same is try for macOS updates.
I would really recommend to look at what holds you back with Catalina. Mainly loss of any 32bit app you rely on. It is time to let go and look for alternatives. I had a few of those and "giving up" wasn't easy and I'm still adjusting. Also, if you rely on QuickTime, you might be in for some changes.
However, think about it. Logic now always runs on only the two most recent macOS (BTW, Apple's customer apps only run on the current macOS!). So Big Sur is coming most likely as soon as 3-4 month. At the moment you are three versions behind if you opt for Mohave. If you go to Catalina now (the last non-Apple Silicon version), at least you can sit and wait what happens with the Apple Silicon transition (another PITA on the horizon).
Again, lots of things to consider, and the final decision might not be an easy one.
Hope that helps,
Edgar Rothermich
Graphically Enhanced Manuals (GEM)