I Forgot recovery page says "You will be able to reset your password in 12 days".
Such a long time to wait, but since it says that with so much clarity, I would like to know if this is 100% right? As it didn't say: We are analysing your case and will update in 12 days.
If it's not, then that would be very misleading.
I have been worried googling this matter non stop and I have read so many cases of people that got this very same message and then when the wait period was over they didnt hear from Apple, they didn't get a SMS. How come? If it was told they would be able to reset their password in 12 days? Most of the cases i have read were from 2017 though. But that's what I want to know, because from reading that message it gives you a sure feeling you will be able to retriever your account.
What happened to me was that I partially forgot my Apple ID password due to the number combinations and the capslock, i remember the words I used but can't remember where I had to put the capslock, and the numbers I have 3 variations of my head that I'm not sure which one I used. Stupid me changed my Apple ID password that I knew for years to a harder one and now I can't remember it clearly and I can't have many choices at attempting to try it since it has locked my Apple ID account so i can no longer try and I dont wan't it to mess up my account recovery situation.
I just wonder, will Apple really contact me within 12 days to help me retrieve my account?
I'm worried also because I don't have a credit card linked to my account, I never made any purchases. I just have my trusted number and I have access to the number that's it, is it really enough information to retrieve my account back? They didn't ask for nothing else as I dont have a credit card in my account so I want to hear from others if they have been able to go through I forgot apple recovery without a credit card in their accounts to confirm? I'm extremely distressed about having to be without my phone for 12 days. And I'm even more desperate and worried to know if the phrase showed in my recovery status "You will be able to reset your password in 12" isn't 100%. =( this never happened to me before, I can't function, I can't eat. It's been a nightmare.
iPhone 6s