No.. if you are referring to the last AC model of both .. previous model TC and Airport are easy to tell apart. TC is AC powered and much larger than the Extreme which uses external DC adapter.
For AC model weight is give away as TC has a 3.5" hard drive.. which weighs around 1/2Kg (1lb) more.
Or if you have microscopic vision turn the airports over and read the details from the base.. in the finest writing possible is the model number. A1470 is Time Capsule. A1521 is Airport Extreme. Catch the light on it just right and you can read it.. bring a magnifying glass if you have normal vision or a jewellers eyepiece.

You can see it fairly clearly in this shot.. enlarged and with light at angle so text is sort of reflective.
This is A1470 so Time Capsule base.
If you connect to computer it will be easy to tell the difference.