Is it worth making a Genius Bar appointment if my MacBook Air Has become non responsive after a water damage?
My daughters MacBook Air is unresponsive after a water damage. Can this be repaired?
MacBook Air
My daughters MacBook Air is unresponsive after a water damage. Can this be repaired?
MacBook Air
Your call. Ask the folks at Apple. The discussion there is at least free. They won’t cover water damage under the warranty. And the extent of water damage won’t be known, short of looking at the hardware. But if you’re discussing repairs, that implies it was either a fair amount of water, or the water got somewhere critical.
Your call. Ask the folks at Apple. The discussion there is at least free. They won’t cover water damage under the warranty. And the extent of water damage won’t be known, short of looking at the hardware. But if you’re discussing repairs, that implies it was either a fair amount of water, or the water got somewhere critical.
Is it worth making a Genius Bar appointment if my MacBook Air Has become non responsive after a water damage?