I want to upgrade my iMac to Mojave, version10.14.6. Can I do that, instead of upgrading to macOS Catalina?
I want to upgrade my iMac to Mojave, version10.14.6. Can I do that, instead of upgrading to macOS Catalina?
iMac 21.5″, macOS 10.12
I want to upgrade my iMac to Mojave, version10.14.6. Can I do that, instead of upgrading to macOS Catalina?
iMac 21.5″, macOS 10.12
Carry Barney-15E's suggest one step further and try installing Mojave from the Safe Boot mode.
Also be sure you have sufficient free space on your boot drive, 25+ GB would be good to have, preferably more.
I tried Barney-15's advice on upgrading to macOS Mojave. But it didn't work, even after trying it numerous times. The message I received, just before the iMac was to restart was the following:
An error occurred while preparing the installation. Try running this application again.
In one of the earlier attempts an 'incompatibility' installer was run. But that didn't solve the problem either.
I will offer some thoughts, assuming that your Mac is one that can accept Mojave. Sometimes a downloaded installer file can become corrupted. We keep trying to install it and it never works, but we have no way of knowing it was corrupted. Better to drag the installer to the trash, empty it and try a new download. That said, corruption is most likely to happen when we are downloading it via wifi. A lot of data is being downloaded and often the wifi can't handle it. Multiple attempts may be needed to get a clean download. If you can use a wired ethernet connection, it is far better, even if you have to temporarily move your computer to do it. Good luck.
thanks for the suggestion. However, I tried it and had the same problem as I did when I tried Barney15E first advice message. I have just tried Barney-15E's 2nd suggestion (Recovery Boot, followed by First Aid utility).
Old Toad,
I followed Barney-15E's 2nd suggestion of using Recovery, followed by the Utility First Aid. I am going to try installing Mojave now. I don't know how to get into 'Safe Boot mode' before installing Mojave. Can you tell me how to do that?
Thanks, GatoFlaco2020.
Sorry for the long delay in responding how all this turned out (good). I finally decided to reinstall the original iOS, then try installing Mojave. That actually worked, for whatever reason.
Thanks to all of you that responded, GatoFlaco2020.
Boot into Recovery and and run First Aid the startup drive.
Your best bet is to follow Barney-15E's suggestion.
I want to upgrade my iMac to Mojave, version10.14.6. Can I do that, instead of upgrading to macOS Catalina?