"No additional Text" Error in Notes app on iPad
My ipad has all kindsa problems with notes, I believe especially ones that have been produced by other devices, in their notes apps, e.g. on a macbook.
The symptom is that on the ipad in notes app, the note, which has been viewed many times before, will suddenly say, just under the title, "No additional text". The notes are stored on my gmail account.
I know I have connectivity to gmail because I can get my email in the Mail app. When I can look on my macbook I can see the note and all its text, but on the ipad it will say "No additional text".
Does anyone else have this problem, and do you know how to fix it?
In the past, the ipad used to write over the note and delete it - that was a nightmare. It doesn't seem to do that anymore, thankfully.
quitting and re-starting notes is no help, neither is waiting a reasonable (e.g. 15 mintues) amount of time.
Any help much appreciated,
iPad 2, iOS 9