how can i import music from flash drive to Catalina
how can i import my music from flash drive to Catalina. They are .mp3
how can i import my music from flash drive to Catalina. They are .mp3
Drag the MP3 files into your Automatically Add to Music folder, which is inside the Media folder. (Do this while Music is running.) If the file is compatible it will be added to your library. If it is not compatible, it will be placed in a Not Added folder.
Drag the MP3 files into your Automatically Add to Music folder, which is inside the Media folder. (Do this while Music is running.) If the file is compatible it will be added to your library. If it is not compatible, it will be placed in a Not Added folder.
where canni find the media folder?
If you don't see it in an obvious place within your Music folder, then search in Finder on the string "Automatically."
how can i import music from flash drive to Catalina