Suspicious file in application
I found this suspicious file in my application called ygu. I want to delete it, but it is asking for my password. What should I do? Please help.
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.13
I found this suspicious file in my application called ygu. I want to delete it, but it is asking for my password. What should I do? Please help.
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.13
It seems like an execution file. Is it okay to delete? I don't know how it came into my system. I have an old Mac, so I can't really have the newest update. I have several instances which my search engine was highjacked by Search Mine. I have resolved it by following some good advice, and restored back to Google Chrome. However, I am looking into buying a new Mac soon.
You need an admin password, that is what it's asking for.
Thank you. Sorry for my ignorance, it won't compromise if I enter the password, right?
It should not compromise you ,but I'm wondering if it got renamed ygu from a Cat paw when it was highlighted?
Do a Get Info on it, what Size, date, version, etc?
Any luck yet?
Just delete it then.
Suspicious file in application