Falsely debited for Funshot + app
Yesterday, I downloaded an app on my app store and when i downloaded it, it did not ask for any paid subscription. I thought it was free, 2 hours later my credit card was debited Rs5900.00. I immediately went to my subscription and tried cancelling and i saw i was charged for 1 whole year. It showed then, that you could subscribe for 1 week, 1 month or one year. I clearly remember these options did not reflect when i downloaded the app and by default without me selecting any option my card has been charged. I want to report this transaction and unsubscribe to the same. How do i reverse the charges, I have already informed my bank to raise a dispute which can only be raised when the claim is made. Kindly assist in this matter and communicate on my email ***@gmail.com
thank you
[Personal Information Edited by Moderator]
iPhone 6, iOS 12