How can I download my notes in iCloud to my iPhone to recover my inadvertently deleted notes?
How can I download my notes in iCloud to my iPhone 7 to recover my inadvertently deleted notes?
iPad Air, iOS 11
How can I download my notes in iCloud to my iPhone 7 to recover my inadvertently deleted notes?
iPad Air, iOS 11
No but I think somehow the Notes Ap was deleted so there was no Recently Deleted folder
my notes are in iCloud, which I can access, but cannot “download” per se to my iPhone.
i downloaded a Notes app to replace the original Notes app, And wanted to DL my backed up notes in iCloud to the new app so that the look would be the same as before without having to go to iCloud to see the notes
If the Notes app was inadvertently deleted, you can re-download it from the App Store.
Did you already remove the note from the Recently Deleted folder in Notes? If you did, then it's permanently gone.
How can I download my notes in iCloud to my iPhone to recover my inadvertently deleted notes?